Free shipping for any orders above $66

Privacy Policy


We take seriously the privacy of our website Members and Visitors. Please read this privacy policy to learn more about how we treat information, including personally identifiable information, in connection with your use of the website and online service (the “Service”). We provide this privacy policy because you have a right to know what information we collect, how it is used and protected, and the circumstances under which it may be shared or disclosed. If you have comments, suggestions, questions, or concerns regarding our privacy policy, please contact us at [email protected].

What This Policy Covers

This policy covers the ways we treat information, including personally identifiable information, that we obtain from you when you visit our website, order Products through the Service, register to become a Member of the Service, or join our VIP Seller Program. We regard “personally identifiable information” as information we obtain from you that someone can use to identify or contact you in person, such as your real name, telephone number, email address, or physical mailing address. Information that we use internally to identify you as a Member or a Visitor in our system (e.g., your User ID) is not considered personally identifiable information.

What This Policy Does Not Cover

This policy does not cover the privacy practices of third parties, such as the practices of third-party payment processing or delivery services, or our Sellers, partners, and/or advertisers. In addition, we may provide links to other services and on occasion to other websites that may interest you. All of these websites operate independently of the Service and each has its own privacy and security practices. We encourage you to review their policies before submitting any personal information to them.

Consent To Collection & Processing In The United States

By using the Service, you consent to having your information, including personally identifiable information, transferred to and processed in the United States.

How We Collect Information

Information You Provide

Information You Provide During Member Account Creation

When you create a registered Member account through the Service, we require that you provide your name, phone number, email address, and your website URL (if applicable). If you chose to enroll in our VIP Seller Program, you must also provide us with your physical address and a description of your business.

Information You Provide When Receiving A Pay-Out

At the conclusion of any Campaign you may initiate, we require that you provide us with appropriate payment information so that we may process any Pay-Outs associated with the Campaign. Please see Payment Information (below) for information regarding receipt of Pay-Out funds electronically; we will not receive any additional personally identifiable information as a result of these transactions. If you are eligible to receive a Pay-Out via paper check, we require that you provide your name and physical address in connection with our issuance of any Pay-Out via paper check.

Information You Provide When Purchasing Products

When you purchase a Product through the Service, we require that you provide your name, phone number, email address, shipping address, and appropriate payment information.

Information You Provide When Requesting Assistance

When you request assistance through or regarding the Service, you may also provide us with personally identifiable information. For example, if you email us regarding an order, you will provide us with your email address; if you email us regarding a shipping issue, you will provide us with your physical address.

Other Information We Collect

Log Files & Analytics

Similar to many websites and internet services, we gather certain information automatically and store it in web server log files. This information includes your web request, Internet Protocol (“IP”) address information, unique device identifier (e.g., UDID, MAC Address, etc.), browser type, referring / exit pages and URLs, number of clicks, domain names, landing pages, pages viewed, and other such information. We may analyze such data using our own analytics, Google Analytics, or other similar third-party services. To learn more about how Google Analytics collects and uses your data when you use this site, and how you can control the information sent to Google Analytics, please review We use these log files and analytics to improve and administer our site, to analyze trends, and to gather information about our user base.

Pixels, aka Web Beacons

We may employ pixels, aka web beacons, which are small blocks of code that do things like allow us or another server to measure viewing of a webpage and to track the online usage patterns of our Members and Visitors. In addition, we may also use pixels or web beacons in HTML-based emails we send, to help us track which emails are opened by recipients. This information is used to enable more accurate reporting, improve the effectiveness of our marketing, and make the Service better for our Members and Visitors. We may ask advertisers or other partners to serve ads or services to computers, mobile phones, or other devices, which may use a cookie, pixel, or other similar technology placed by us or the third party.


A cookie is a small text file that is stored on the computer of a Members or Visitors for record-keeping purposes. It can also help us understand how you click to our site, what pages you view during your visit, and your account and preference information as a Member of the Service. Cookies also allow us to track and understand the interests of our members, to help us enhance the overall experience on our site.

If you prefer not to receive cookies, you can set your web browser software to disable them. To do so, please refer to the help section of your specific web browser for more information on how to manage or disable cookies.

Do Not Track

At this time, the Service does not respond to “do not track” signals sent from browsers.

Information We Do Not Collect From Any Users


As explained further in our terms of use (available at, you must be 18 years of age or older – or, if you are under the age of majority in your jurisdiction, have the consent of your parent or legal guardian – to use the Service. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children. In accordance with Federal Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (“COPPA”), we will never knowingly solicit, nor will we accept, personally identifiable information from those known to be under thirteen (13) years of age. If you believe that we have information from or about anyone under thirteen (13) years of age, please notify our Privacy Officer by email at [email protected].

Payment Information

The Service makes it quick and convenient for you to make purchases and receive funds using third party electronic payment processing services. When you make such a payment or receive funds, we will not receive any additional personally identifiable information as a result of these transactions. Third-party payment providers operate independently of our business; we encourage you to fully review the terms of use and privacy policies of any such service you may elect to use.

How We Use Information

To Provide You With The Service

We use your information for the purposes of providing you with the Service and any Products you may choose to order using the Service.

In Our Communications With You

We use email and/or prominent notifications on our website as our primary means of informing our users of important Service and promotional announcements.

Service-Related Announcements

When you register to become a Member of the Service, we use the email address provided during account creation (or any other email address you may specify within your Member account) to deliver important Service-related announcements to you. Examples of Service-related announcements include email verification during registration, requests for password reset, important security or server maintenance updates, upgrades, and new releases or policy changes. For members of our VIP Seller Program, Service-related announcements also include email messages related to rate changes and VIP Seller Program membership expiration. These Service-related announcements are considered a fundamental part the Service; Members cannot opt out of these email announcements.

Promotional Announcements

In order to improve the experience for our Members and Visitors, we may send regular updates from time to time. These communications are enhancements to our Service and are entirely optional. We make it easy for you to unsubscribe from these communications via a link in the footer of each such email you receive. If you are a Member of the Service, you can also see and modify this information in the “Account” section of your Member account.

With Our Sister Services

We may use your information in connection with other websites, services, and entities that are under our common ownership or common corporate control. We may combine information you provide while using the Service with information you provide to other websites, services, and entities that are under our common ownership or common corporate control.

On Our Website

We may use the information we collect to calculate and publish anonymous, non-personal, aggregate statistics that we believe our Members and Visitors are interested in viewing. For example, we may track and publish the total number of Buyers who have ordered a specific shirt color or style. We publish this data in aggregate form only, and do not publish any personally identifiable information in connection with this use.

For Internal Reporting and Analysis

As noted above, we use information gathered from log files, cookies, and the like to improve our site, analyze trends, administer the site, track the movements of users around the site, and gather aggregate information about our customers as a whole.

How We Share and Disclose Information

With Third Parties

To Provide You With The Service

We share your information, including your personally identifiable information, for the purpose of providing you with the Service and with any Product you may order through the Service. For example, if you order a physical Product though the Service, we will provide our shipping partners with your name and physical address.

To Help Connect Buyers and Sellers

If you place an order from a Seller who is or becomes a member of our VIP Seller Program, we will share your email address with the Seller. This allows Buyers and Sellers to directly connect, and helps Sellers gain valuable feedback from our community and promote their upcoming projects and Campaigns.

Sharing, Renting, & Selling Information We Collect

Except as provided herein, we will neither rent nor sell your personally identifiable information to any other third party not under our common ownership or common corporate control. For example, if you purchase a Product from Seller who is or becomes a member of our VIP Seller Program, we will share your email address with the seller from whom your purchase was made. Occasionally we share aggregate information about our Members and Visitors with partners or advertisers, and we may publish these aggregate usage statistics on our website for the interest of our users.

Linked Services

In some cases, we allow you to access or link to other web services through our Service. For example, we may allow you to share Campaigns using Facebook and Twitter, among other services, which requires that you open accounts on those services themselves. We also allow you to pay for Products purchased through the Service using our selected third party payment-processing provider. In such cases, those services may choose to collect your personal information as they deem appropriate. As noted above, we are neither responsible for nor in control of how third parties collect, use, or disclose information obtained through these linked services. We encourage you to be aware when using these third-party services and to review their policies before submitting any personal information to them.

Third-Party Service Providers

We use other companies, agents, and/or contractors to perform services on our behalf or to assist us with providing the Service to you. For example, we may engage such service providers to provide marketing, communications, infrastructure and IT services, personalize and optimize our service, process credit card transactions, provide customer service, collect debts, and analyze and enhance data. In the course of providing such services to us, these other companies may have access to your information. We do not authorize these companies to use or disclose your personal information, except in connection with providing the services we request from them.

These vendors may anonymize and aggregate data collected from you and use that data for purposes of of improving their product or providing services to us or other clients.

As Necessary In Certain Legal Circumstances

Legal Requirements

We reserve the right to disclose your information, including your personally identifiable information, when we have a good faith belief that access, use, preservation, or disclosure of such information is necessary to (a) comply with any law, regulation, legal process, or enforceable governmental request; (b) enforce our terms of use, including investigation of potential violations of our terms of use; (c) detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud or security or technical issues; or (d) protect against harm to our rights, property, or safety, or those of our employees, users, or the public, as required or permitted by law.

Pursuant to California Civil Code Section 1798.83, known as the “Shine the Light” law, and as provided herein, we will disclose the names, email addresses, physical addresses, and business description of VIP Seller Program members when required by law, including in response to “Shine the Light” requests we receive.


If we becomes involved in a merger, acquisition, or any form of sale of some or all of our assets, including bankruptcy, our assets, including Member account information and personally identifiable information, may be transferred to a third party. At that time, your Member account information and personally identifiable information may become subject to that third-party’s privacy policy.

CA Shine The Light / Your California Privacy Rights

California Civil Code Section 1798.83, known as the “Shine the Light” law, permits our customers who are California residents to request and obtain from us a list of what personal information (if any) we may have disclosed to third parties for direct marketing purposes in the preceding calendar year, including the names and addresses of those third parties. Requests may be made only once a year and are free of charge. If you would like to make a request pursuant to California Civil Code Section 1798.83, you must do so in writing via email to [email protected]; please include the phrase “Request for California Privacy Information” in the subject line and in the body of your message.

How We Keep Information Secure

Security Of Account Information

The accounts of registered Members are password protected. Please do not share your password with anyone; remember to change your password from time to time, to keep your account secure.

Network Security

Both we and our partners employ a variety of commercially standard encryption and security technologies and procedures to protect information from unauthorized access. Please be aware that no method of electronic storage or data transmission over the internet is 100% secure; while we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Management Procedures

Both we and our partners maintain standard physical and electronic procedural safeguards that limit access to your personally identifiable information and other data to employees (or people working on our behalf and under confidentiality agreements) who, through the course of standard business activities or provision of the Service, need to access your personally identifiable information or other data.

Your Personal Choices

Access To Personal Information

We make it easy for Members to view, edit, and/or delete the information they have submitted to the Service; that information is available for editing in the “Settings” section of your Member account.

Receiving Communications

If you subscribe to an optional promotional communication through the Service, you will be able to unsubscribe via a link in the footer of each such email you receive. If you are a Member of the Service, you can also see and modify your email subscription information in the “Account” section of your Member account.

Editing / Deleting Your Account

To remove your Member account from the Service entirely, please contact us by email at [email protected].

Opting Out of Advertising

If you wish to opt out from receiving interest-based advertising, you can do so by clicking here if you are in the US or clicking here if you are in the EU. Please note, because our opt-out is cookie-based, your browser must be set to accept third party cookies.

Updates to Our Privacy Policy

From time to time, we will review and may make changes to our privacy policy. Please check our Privacy Policy periodically for changes. We will provide additional notice of significant updates. We will post the date our Policy was last updated at the top of the Privacy Policy. Your continued use of the Service after the posting of the modified Privacy Policy constitutes your agreement to abide and be bound by it. The most recent version of our privacy policy is always available from a link on our homepage at the url

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, the practices of the Service, or your dealings with the Service, please contact us at this email address: [email protected]

2021© Pinkrubytee